play book

英 美
  • n.剧本;脚本
  • book n.书;本子v.预订;记录在案
  • play v.玩;比赛;(在运动队中)担当;派...出场;带;踢;击(球);走(棋子);出牌;演奏;播放;扮演;假装;上演;发挥(作用);应付;处理;掠过;浮现;使轻快地活动;(喷泉)喷涌;做游戏;戏剧;比赛;发挥作用;玩笑;间隙;闪烁;闪现
名词 playbook:
  1. a notebook containing descriptions and diagrams of the plays that a team has practiced (especially an American football team)

  2. a book containing the scripts of one or more dramatic plays

  3. a scheme or set of strategies for conducting a business campaign or a political campaign